import sys import os import argparse class MyParser(argparse.ArgumentParser): def error(self, message): print(f'error: {message}\n') self.print_help() sys.exit(2) parser = MyParser(description='add {{< math >}} before and after latex math statements') parser.add_argument('-p', '--post', help='process the WHOLE post directory') parser.add_argument('-n', '--new', nargs='+', help='render only new post(s) (designated by user)') def processFile(raw_filename, target_filename): with open(raw_filename, 'r') as in_file: print(f'[] processing {target_filename}...') with open(target_filename, 'w') as out_file: print(f'[] overwrite {target_filename}!!') lines = in_file.readlines() found = False double = False # $$ or $ for line in lines: find_result = line.find('$') while find_result != -1: # this $ is possibily escaped # (depends, but its sufficient for my markdown) if line[find_result - 1] == '\\': find_result = line.find('$', find_result + 1) continue if double: # double must be found line = line[ :find_result + 2] + '{{< /math >}}' + line[find_result + 2: ] double = False found = False find_result = line.find('$', find_result + 2) elif line[find_result + 1] == '$': # double $ line = line[ :find_result] + '{{< math >}}' + line[find_result: ] double = True found = True find_result = line.find('$', find_result + 15) else: if found: # tail of one $ line = line[ :find_result + 1] + '{{< /math >}}' + line[find_result + 1: ] found = False find_result = line.find('$', find_result + 1) else: # head of one $ line = line[ :find_result] + '{{< math >}}' + line[find_result: ] found = True find_result = line.find('$', find_result + 14) out_file.write(line) # rule-based (replacement) # # replace '\\' to '\\\\' # find_result = line.find('\\') # while find_result != -1: # # '\\\\\n' -> '\\\\\\\\\n' # if line[find_result+1] == '\\': # line = line[:find_result] + '\\\\' + line[find_result:] # find_result = line.find('\\', find_result+4) # # escape the force newline '\\\n' # elif line[find_result+1] == '\n': # find_result = line.find('\\', find_result+2) # else: # line = line[:find_result] + '\\' + line[find_result:] # find_result = line.find('\\', find_result+2) # # replace '_' to '\\_' # find_result = line.find('_') # while find_result != -1: # line = line[:find_result] + '\\' + line[find_result:] # find_result = line.find('_', find_result+2) # print(f'{len(sys.argv)}') # argv[0] is name of this program if __name__ == '__main__': ''' usage 1, processing ALL posts: python3 -p /path_to_post/ usage 2, processing only the input post: python3 -n /path_to_individual_post/ /path_to_another_individual_post/ BEFORE YOU USE: The below is the path of my hugo project: (It should be like this after correctly running this script) content └── post └── post_name    ├── raw │ ├── other_things    │   └── ├── └── other_things If currently, the directory structure is like this: content └── post └── post_name ├── └── other_things You have to copy and other_things into a 'raw' directory before you run the script: content └── post └── post_name    ├── raw    │   └── ├── └── other_things This script will overwrite 'post_name/' with the preprocessed version of ANY USAGE THAT IS NOT UNDER THE ABOVE SITUATION MIGHT CAUSE SOME UNPREDICTABLE RESULTS!!! ''' if len(sys.argv) == 1: parser.print_help() sys.exit(1) args = parser.parse_args() if ( is None and is None) or ( is not None and is not None): parser.print_help() sys.exit(1) if is not None: print('start processing ALL posts') all_posts = os.listdir( for post_name in all_posts: raw_filename = os.path.join(, post_name, 'raw', '') target_filename = os.path.join(, post_name, '') processFile(raw_filename, target_filename) if is not None: for post_name in print(f'start processing post: {post_name}') raw_filename = os.path.join(post_name, 'raw', '') target_filename = os.path.join(post_name, '') processFile(raw_filename, target_filename)